Class 4: Development

The first of two levels for our competition dogs – building strong handling skills to help dogs and handlers to successfully start competing in agility competitions.

To be eligible to enrol in development, a dog must have passed the assessment from the skills class.

In the development class, you will build on everything you have learnt so far, as well as learn even more skills. The aim of this class is to give handlers and dogs the necessary tools needed to succeed in agility competitions right up to intermediate and jumpers B level. As well as advanced handling techniques, this class aims to build the dogs independence and introduce dogs to the see saw.

Please use the enrolment form below in Term 1. If you are already a member, in Terms 2, 3, 4, you may use this quick link.

To avoid disappointment, please pay when you enrol.  Payment is due by the end of Friday before the term begins. 

Use the name of the person who will be training on the payment and the class name and term number as the reference e.g. Dvpt T4


Registrations for this class are closed.